Wednesday 24 March 2010

Monday 15 March 2010

Monday 1 March 2010

Monday 8 February 2010


Scene 1 - Set - Atrium -Ext-Day

As this scene is the opening scene of the sequence it give little introduction but to have a quiet and sudden start.

Establishing shot of the Atrium

(Susan Bullet will enter the Atrium)

Mid Shot Of Susan

Susan Shows feeling of worry and dismay of the surroundings

Scene 2 - Set: Atrium - Ext - Day

This scene will be used to introduce the victim facial feature and star the feeling of the film.

Tracking shot of woman

(Woman is running down corridors)

Some closes up of facial expression of shock and fear

(Woman will keep looking back to find nothing)

eye line match

Scene 3- Set: College - Ext - Day

This scene will be used to start the tension and bring the horror a life and introduction to the minster of the film.

(Woman goes to hide in a doorway.)

There will be an eye line match of her looking down the corridor

(this is a dark figure emerges. The man is wearing a long dark coat and a hat (a long shot will be used)).

(He stops for a moment and starts walking towards her, down the corridor).

(Camera will go back to a close up of the woman sobbing, looking up (as if to say “why me”)).

(She will look again and the man will be gone)

Scene 4 - Corridor College - Ext - Day

This scene will be the big chase sequence which all backing sound and camera movement will echo this sentiment.

(She will breathe a sign of relief. Then a gloved hand with be put over her mouth)

(her eyes will widen.)

Scene 5 - Studio College - Ext - Day

(Another woman will wake up from a dream looking panicked.)

(She will look around her bedroom to find nothing.)

(Then she will lye back on her bed in a daze)

a medium shot will be used for this entire scene

Scene 6 - Studio College - Ext - Day

This scene is the climax of the opening scene this will have eerie soundtrack and incidental music.

(Susan Will enter Kitchen alone)

Medium shot of the door entering

(Susan will grasp a hot cup of Coffee)

(A Creaking Door)

(Susan Will Drop Cup)

Friday 5 February 2010

shooting schedule



College - it is readily available
Lucy Morgan – Susan


College - First Floor To be used as balcony
Adam Spence - Jabber Lucy Morgan – Susan

Corridor College – This will be used for the chase
Lucy Morgan – SusanAdam Spence – Jabba

Studio – This is the wake up scene / end of dream sequence.
Lucy Morgan – Susan

Studio- Kitchen scene and the dropping of the cup scene
Lucy Morgan – SusanAdam Spence - Jabba

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Organisation of actors, location, costume and props

Actor List;

Lucy Morgan

Location List ;

Corridor (in college)

Studio (in college)


Costumes And Props List;


Cup or Mug

Trench Coat and Trilby (Villain)Actor List;

Lucy Morgan

Location List ;

Corridor (in college)

Studio (in college)


Costumes And Props List;


Cup or Mug

Trench Coat and Trilby (Villain)

Friday 29 January 2010

Target Audience of Horror

In a recent survey, 61% of males watched horror films frequently, whilst 39% of females watched horror films frequently. Whether they were fans of this genre of film remains to be unknown. 24% of these were aged 14-17, 48% of those who watched horror films frequently were aged 18-24, 19% of those who watch horror films were aged 25-34, 6% oft those who are a fan of horror films are aged 35-49 and 3% of those who are horror fans are aged 50 and over. Films, which are certified as an 18, may include many scenes of sex scenes and scenes of violence, horror and murder. Films, which are certified as a 15, may contain sexual references and mild scenes of violence. Films, which are certified as a 12A, may contain strong language and mild sexual references.

initial mind map of ideas

Thursday 28 January 2010

The History and the Genre of Horror

The history of horror

The first ever noticeable horror film created was Georges Mélés “The house of the devil” it was made in 1890’s. George Mélés made other horror films and is one of the founders of the genre of horror in films.

Since George Mélés there have been thousands of horror films made, but in the 1910 – 1920 is were horror films really started becoming more popular, such great horrors as “The Phantom of the Opera” and “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”.

In the 1930 – 1940 the Americans started producing horror films, coming up with horror films such as “Dracula”, “Frankenstein”, “The Invisible Man” and “I Walked with a Zombie”. All of these types of monsters are still very popular. With Dracula been a vampire like the ever popular “Twilight”.

The 1950 – 1960 we saw one of the greatest horrors of all time, “psycho”, had one of the most popular scenes in horror history. This scene was so great mainly because of the excellent camerawork, mise en scene, sound and editing of the piece to create a horrifying effect, terrifying the audience. We also saw zombie in more depth with the classic “night of the living dead” and the creation of aliens and mummy’s.

In the 1970 – 1980 horror films finally became “mainstream” with popular films such “Alien”, Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, “Halloween”, “Nightmare on Elm Street” “The Evil Dead” and “Jaws”. Audience in the 1980’s found themselves enjoying the thrill and excitement of terrifying themselves half to death. This put a lot of pressure on horror film writers so try and make the audience run out of the cinema crying.

In the 1990, the craze for horror films started to die down, with only sequels to original horror classics such as “Jaws 2”, “Halloween 2” and “Nightmare of Elm Street 2” been released. But there were some new ideas for example, “Child’s Play” was a horror with a twist, the murders or monster of the film was also the weakest.

In the 2000’s, the type of horror films, which were released were more torturous. This is were the bad guy or monster tortured it’s victim. Such films as “Saw” started this off because of it been horrifyingly clever in its storey line adding twist after twist to keep the audience on the edge of there seats. Overall the 2000’s were full of remakes of classic’s or films with cleverly constructed storey lines.

The Genre of Horror

In anytime typical horror film, it will have a bad guy who is trying to kill the main character, or a group of people trying to kill the main character. Usually the bad guy gets killed at the dead by the main character and everything ends happily for the main character.

It is always set in low-lit places and the main sets are the bad guys laree and the main characters safe house. The sound will usually be quiet and eerie to create tension or loud and drum beats for a chase scene.

The bad guy will always have is own costume to define hime, such as Jason having his hock mask, scream having his grim reaper costume etc. the main character will usually be set out to be venerable at the start wearing typical clothes, but at the end looking more and more powerful usually with a costume change to make them look more powerful such as, “Aliens” when riply having loads of guns strapped to her.

The Synopsis

Below is the early idea in which my group film is based.

When a young women is chased by a mysterious figure

Initial Idea from Group Member Adam Spence

Scene 1 – Tracking shot of woman. Woman is running down corridors. Some closes up of facial expression of shock and fear. Woman will keep looking back to find nothing (eye line match)

Scene 2 – Woman goes to hide in a doorway. There will be an eye line match of her looking down the corridor were she just came from, this is a dark figure emerges. The man is wearing a long dark coat and a hat (a long shot will be used). He stops for a moment and starts walking towards her, down the corridor. Camera will go back to a close up of the woman sobbing, looking up (as if to say “why me”). She will look again and the man will be gone.

Scene 3 – She will breathe a sign of relief. Then a gloved hand with be put over her mouth, her eyes will widen.

Scene 4 – Another woman will wake up from a dream looking panicked and hot. She will look around her bedroom to find nothing. Then she will lye back on her bed in a daze (a medium shot will be used for this entire scene).

In the new dawn of 2010, a new horror arises

For the main character both women and mysterious male have there stories clouded in mystery.

Name: Working Title: The Corridor

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Analysis on the opening scene to "The Ring"

In this opening scene of "the ring" directed by Gore Verbinskei and was made in 2002. We see a
typical americain teenage girl inside a typical americain household. It is set like this to make the
audience feel more scared through the feeling it could happen inside there very own house as well.
The lighting used in this scene is all low key lighting, it is meant to be set in the night time. This is
stereotypical of a horror film because a lot of people are afraid of the dark, so a lot of directors use
this to there advantage.

The sound used in this scene used to create an atmosphere of horror, is the unnerving sound of a
static television turning on by itself. A close up of the character looking terrified at the television
building up suspense. she turns the television off by the remote and starts to walk, until the
television turns itself back on. Increasing the fear and confusion to the audience. the female character
suddenly walks to the television and looks dead at it, with her watery eyes. in her panic she turns off
the television by the plug in the wall. the television turns off. suddenly a groan coming from behind
the character suprises her. she walks into the kitchen to find an opened fridge door, that she closed
earlier, adding more panic to the audience. there is a close-up of the character look bewildered, all
of a sudden goes to the staircase and walks up it, quickly.

there is a pool of water on the floor, she walks slowly towards it looking puzzled. the audience then
finds out that the water is coming from a door-handle. she then grasps the handle and confidently opens
the door. she looks directly at the television screen. the are two zooms of the television screen showing
a well and a zoom up of the character screaming. there is a sudden flash of images which the
audience would be unable to make out.

Overall, this opening scene of "The Ring", is very mysterious and frightening, it makes the audience
want to see more to find out what is actually happening, but also run away incase the reason is to
horrifying to find out.

the opening scene to "The Ring"


Thursday 21 January 2010

first blog

It my group we are doing a horror themed opening scene. In my group our members are lucy morgan, scott richardson and charlotte wood. We all feel we will work well together and have a very successful project.