Wednesday 27 January 2010

Analysis on the opening scene to "The Ring"

In this opening scene of "the ring" directed by Gore Verbinskei and was made in 2002. We see a
typical americain teenage girl inside a typical americain household. It is set like this to make the
audience feel more scared through the feeling it could happen inside there very own house as well.
The lighting used in this scene is all low key lighting, it is meant to be set in the night time. This is
stereotypical of a horror film because a lot of people are afraid of the dark, so a lot of directors use
this to there advantage.

The sound used in this scene used to create an atmosphere of horror, is the unnerving sound of a
static television turning on by itself. A close up of the character looking terrified at the television
building up suspense. she turns the television off by the remote and starts to walk, until the
television turns itself back on. Increasing the fear and confusion to the audience. the female character
suddenly walks to the television and looks dead at it, with her watery eyes. in her panic she turns off
the television by the plug in the wall. the television turns off. suddenly a groan coming from behind
the character suprises her. she walks into the kitchen to find an opened fridge door, that she closed
earlier, adding more panic to the audience. there is a close-up of the character look bewildered, all
of a sudden goes to the staircase and walks up it, quickly.

there is a pool of water on the floor, she walks slowly towards it looking puzzled. the audience then
finds out that the water is coming from a door-handle. she then grasps the handle and confidently opens
the door. she looks directly at the television screen. the are two zooms of the television screen showing
a well and a zoom up of the character screaming. there is a sudden flash of images which the
audience would be unable to make out.

Overall, this opening scene of "The Ring", is very mysterious and frightening, it makes the audience
want to see more to find out what is actually happening, but also run away incase the reason is to
horrifying to find out.

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